Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Netflix update: 5/18/05

So I haven't done my Netflix update thing for over 2 months. My apologies if anyone actually gives a flying fuck.

I had a semi-regular Netflix review thing going but I decided to change the format a bit. Anyhow, I was going to watch Downtown 81 but much to my dismay, I found that the disc was scratched to hell and couldn't be viewed. With an unexpected hole in my evening schedule, I figure I'd do a quickie review gang bang:

The movies I watched in the past 2.5 months, in 10 words or less:
On deck:
Oh, and if you share my taste in movies, or if you think my taste is god awful but you could steer me the right way, feel free to add me to your Netflix friends. My email is on the sidebar.

Previous update: March 1, 2005

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