Friday the 13th linkage
Bomani Jones weighs in as well. And while we're on Page 2, when Scoop Jackson joined the Page 2 cast, I didn't know what to think - I liked his writing for the most part, though he seemed to love his own words a little too much. So far, he's been decent. Scoop on LeBabyjesus's new adventures.
And as much as I've enjoyed the show, none of the skits have really matched the quality of his standup, particularly the HBO special Killin' Them Softly.
In any case, I'm glad he didn't pull a Spalding Gray, especially after hearing about the bizarre behavior.
Lots of column inches have been spent in the discussion of how our rights as Americans are being surreptitiously confiscated, but what about our complicity, as journalists, in that? It seems to me that the assault on free speech, while the fear and intimidation is in the air, comes as much from us -- as individuals and networks of journalists who censor ourselves -- as it does from any other source.Times like this, I have to ask the age old question: what liberal media?
We need to wake up as individuals and as a community of journalists and start asking the hard and scary questions. Questions we may not really want to know the answers to about ourselves, about our government, about what is being done in our name, and hold the responsible individuals accountable through due process in our legal or electoral system.
We need to begin to be able to look again at our government, our leadership and ourselves critically. That is what the Fourth Estate is all about. That's what American journalism can do at its zenith. I also happen to believe that, in fact, that is the highest form of patriotism -- expecting our country to live up to the promises it makes and the values it purports to hold. The role of the media in assisting the public to ensure those values are reflected in reality is undeniably failing today.