The F-train continues to deliver the goods: "I'd love to kill her"
Read: Further adventures on the F-train: "I'd love to kill her, I'd love to kill her, I'd love to kill her."Earlier today: More F-train goodness
So I get on the downtown train at 14th. The train is pretty crowded as always, but I manage to squeeze into a seat. At W 4th, a middle aged couple gets in. They initially stand near the door, but the husband (?) eyes a seat across the aisle and tells the wife to sit down, and she does.
The wife, who sounds like George's mom from Seinfeld but not as high pitched, says "It won't be long, but you can look at the map anyway" across the aisle.
Nothing unusual of course, and I go back to reading my book. Then I notice someone hovering over me and muttering "I'd love to kill her I'd love to kill her I'd love to kill her I'd love to kill her I'd love to kill her. Snap her neck in half (unintelligible) wrong husband (unintelligible) bitch (unintelligible) I'd love to kill her I'd love to kill her."
Okay. I look up, and it's the husband, and he's reading the map that was right behind my seat. He wasn't that quiet either - if the wife had been seated anywhere closer, she would have heard it.
They got off at the next stop, after some confusion about whether Broadway-Lafayette was 2nd & Broadway (there is no such stop or location and she wanted nothing to do with 2nd Ave & Houston St, the next stop).
I hope they got to their destination safely.