Let us now praise the cheap eateries of Lower East Side
One of the bigger downsides to living in NYC is that everything is so damn expensive, particularly food.
Luckily, you can eat for dirt cheap in my 'hood. I love the little dumpling shops that serve five dumplings for a dollar - there's one around the corner from me on Essex between Canal and Hester, Fried Dumplings on Allen near Delancey, but my favorite is Dumpling House on Eldridge between Grand and Broome, with the huge ass pots right in front of the counter.
The other night, I got basically a full meal - soup and dumplings - for $2.
Then there's Tiny's Giant Sandwich Shop on Rivington between Essex and Norfolk. At around $4 or less, the "small" sandwiches are generous enough, and pretty much everything I've had from Tiny's has been killer.
And I would be amiss if I did not mention Proton Saga (Allen at Canal), Congee Village and the really greasy cabbie joint on Hester at Allen.
I seriously feel stupid when I go above 14th St and pay more than $5 a meal.